Tuesday 24 April 2018



  1. Since the father and son were united in creating all things they must also have been united in the government of moral intelligence.Heb 1:12;John 10:30.
  2. Christ as Creator had full authority to give the law,which he also did for he spoke and wrote it Exodus 20:1-17; Neh 9:12,13; 1 Cor 10:1-4.
  3. As a creator he was above law of subject to law as created intelligence but in order to convience all that the ruler of the universe would not enforce and unjust or oppressive law upon his subjects,the Father and the son united on the following plan to prove that Satan's charges against God's law and government were unfounded and unjust.  
  4. The son took on him the seed of Abraham "was made flesh" in the likeness of sinful flesh was born of a virgin and took upon him the form of a servant.Heb 2:16; John 1:14; Rom 8:3; Matt 1:18-21; phil 2:7.
  5. When Jesus became flesh"his glory was shrouded.His divinity was yield with humanity the invisible glory invisible form".While in the flesh he could of himself do nothing:but strengthened by his father,through the holy spirit,he could and did do all that is ever required of a human being.John 5:19,30; 3:34; 14:10.
  6. When Christ in the likeness of sinful flesh resisted every temptation to sin,and kept the law to absolute perfection he thereby proved that Satan's charges against God's law and government was unfounded.Heb 4:15; Matt 4:1-10; John 15:10; 1 Pet 2:22.
  7. After that Jesus took the place of the sinner and though he himself was without sin,yet he was "made" to be sin for us the sins of the world were laid upon him and then hr suffered the penalty of the Isa 53:6; John 1:29 margin; 1 Pet 2:24; 2 Cor 5:21; Gal 3:13; 1 Pet 3:18; Rom 5:6,8. Thus was Satan's charge,that the penalty of God's law was unjust and disproved,since Christ willingly suffered it in the sinner's stead.
  8. Finally,Christ rose from the dead or sinless being a conqueror of Satan and death 1 Cor 15:14-21,55; Heb 2:14.
  9. Thus by the father's and son's planning together for Christ to become a subject obey the law as a subject and finally suffer the penalty of the law,were the just Principles of God,his law and government fully Justified Isa 42:21; Col 1:20; Rom 3:31.

  1.  While Christ according to previous lesson vindicated and established the law and government of heaven by becoming a subject through obeying the law and suffering its penalty yet it was necessary to devise a plan whereby rebellious subjects might be pardoned and reconciled to God's.
  2. But such a plan could not embrace the abolition of the law and its penalty: for that would be an admission that the sinner or rebel was in the right; therefore the sinner could not be pardoned on any other condition then that the majesty of the law should be vindicated,and that its penalty remain in force.
  3. A plan to save the sinner through grace and vindicate the law and its penalty,must necessarily embrace the following.(a).A willing not unwilling substitute who is not subject to the law,and who is worth more than all sinners,would have to take the place of the transgressor,and obey the law for him,and then ofter the sinner his righteousness obedience for his sins-disobedience John 3:16; Gal 1:4;.
  4. Then the substitute who had taken the transgressor sins upon himself would have to die for hi, in his stead in order that the sinner might live.2 Cor 5:21; Rom 5:6,8; 1 Pet 3:18.
  5. Finally the sinner could be pardoned only on the condition that he would repent of his sins and case transgressing God's law.He must let God write the law in his heart and promise by the help of god ever afterward to obey it.Jer 31:33,34; 2 Cor 3:3; psalms 40:8.
  6. Now an angel could not become such a substitute for this fallen world because angels are created beings and as such as subject to law,which they must obey for themselves.Furthermore,an angel is of less worth than a fallen world and couls not therefore become man' redeemer.   

Wednesday 18 April 2018


  1. After punishing the devil with Heaven, he planned to unite man in his rebellion, then established his kingdom on earth. 12: 9.
  2. He succeeded in obtaining the man and prevailed upon him to disobey God and to follow himself, and thus man became the subject of the devil and the earth became the territory of the rebel. Gene 3: 1-6, 13; 2 Cor 11: 3; 1 Timothy 2:14.
  3. In giving birth to Satan's temptations, man violated God's law of the following order. Christ with a forbidden fruit broke the tenth commandment; Jean 3: 6, East 20: 3. With the desire to cover the forbidden fruit, broke the tenth command.Thank you, they rely on the celebrated fruit. Jean 3: 6 East 20: 15. Before eating this fruit, he died in the world and thus broke the sixth order.Ram 5:14, 15. East 20:13.
  4. Satan set aside the penalty of God's law-death-and promised them life if they would obey him.Gen 3:3,4.
  5. In this way Satan became the prince the ruler of this world.John 14:30;Luke 4:5,6.
  6. He is also the god and father of this world.2 Cor 4:4;John 8:44.

  1. Satan's opposition's and hatred manifested against God's law in heaven is brought to view more fully in his continued rebellion on earth.
  2. Satan is a liar and murderer from the beginning and his angels transgressed in heaven.John 8:44; 2 peter 2:4.
  3. Satan and his spirit leads men to sin or disobedience Eph 2:1,2; 1 John 3:4,8;John 8:44.
  4. He wishes man to reject God's regulations concerning diet.Gen 2:1-6,17;3:16; 1 Tim 4:1-3.
  5. He would have all believe that man may be holy while disobeying God's law.Num 15:37-41: 16:1-3.
  6. Such as lie,steal,commit adultery are delivered to do all these abominations.Jer 7:8-16;John 8:41,44.
  7. Such as commit sin and "seek to kill"are not in bondage but free.John 8:31-41.
  8. Satan wants all to acknowledge him as the ruler and god of this proves him to be the worst of tyrants.  Luke 4:5-7.
  9. He seeks to kill and torture his most faithful subjects and this proves him to be worst of tyrants.2 Chron 18:18-21; Mark 9:17-27.
  10. From the above it is evident that Satan is a very cruel ruler and a lawless anarchist.John 8:44.

  1. Because Satan separated the law of God because he considered it unnecessary and oppressive and punishable, because it was unjust and cruel. From the perspective of the rebel, God can not be all wise, and he must be unjust and tyrannical.
  2. Keeping this in mind, it was necessary for God to create a plan to reduce the rebellion and save his character and government in a satisfactory manner to all concerned people.
  3. But God could not justify or refute the law by changing or abrogating the law and on the basis of another law: because it would be an admission that Satan was right in his claim and that God was not an ideal and omniscient ruler.
  4. The following plan will reject the changes of the devil and confirm the character of God: (A) MP or ruler can become a subject. (B) Then he can follow the law in every subject as a subject, and thus it shows that he will reveal all such intellectuals that he is more punishable by a criminal than a person who wants to suffer in a situation Will not (C) And finally, by making promises of forgiveness to the guilty sinner, and on joining the government on the condition that he now promises to obey the law.
  5. Such a plan will persuade and satisfy all intelligent creatures that the governor of the universe was not unjust or cruel, but he used justice, grace and mercy, not only concerned the loyal people, but also treacherous or disobedient. Was there. Loyal, loyal, subject and wise will be worthy of being eligible for creatures, such a God will be fully assured that he will always regard his subjects as justified and religiously, and also rewarding service will be rewarded. 6,7; Psalm 103: 8-14; Isa 49:15. 


  1. The good or bad characters of the ruler are usually revealed through their laws, on which their government is established and through dealing with their subjects, both are loyal and rude. If the right to rights of rights of some unjust persons is violated, then the liberty and rights of all other people can be violated under the same law. Hence the character of the ruler is revealed through their law and its enforcement.
  2. The one which lies on the foundation of the rebellion is dissatisfaction with the laws of the government, which is generally claimed to be unjust and oppressive or with the administration of the government.
  3. A rebellion originates generally with one or more of the leading subjects of a government.
  4. A rebel always thinks as such persons who are concerned about reforming the government by amending the status of their fellow subjects and improving the situation of their reforms. Of course, it proves that the rebel claims that there is more information about law and governance than the ruler, hence the throne is greater than the Governor 2. Sam 15 and Jesus 14: 12-14.
  5.  A rebel always tries to rely on the rebellion as much as possible, and when he considers himself strong, he will try to leave the present government and then establish a new government on better laws.
  6. After all, the rebel gives everyone the risk to overthrow the government, under which he lives, if he succeeds, he receives, but if he fails then all is lost.
  7. The only way whereby a rebel can demonstrate that he can improve the existing government is to obtain an opportunity  and time to carry out his ideas of government.
  8. Same day is generally reflects upon the incumbent appointed to commemorate of new government.
  9. A rebellion usually reflects on the current ruler in the eyes of the subjects because it assumes that the present ruler does not have the necessary ability to govern, or it is unjust or oppressive.
  10. It requires great wisdom to subdue a rebellion so completely that all interested and concerned parties will be satisfied.

  1. Moral intelligence must be created free to choose whether they will obey their creator or not;otherwise they would not be able to develop independent characters.
  2. One of the highest cherubs in heaven refused to submit to God's government with their free will and thus began the first revolt in God's universe. Eze 28: 12-15, Isa 14: 12-14; 2 Peter 2: 4; Jude 6.
  3. In this rebellion, the rebels had included themselves in the summit of Christ-their Creator-that is, the equivalent of a better father than the Christ. Eze 28: 12-17; Jesus 14: 12-14; John 14: 28; 1 Cor 15:28.
  4. In this rebellion, the devil, the devil set the side of the constitution. God's moral law, in the following manner. (A) In search of being equal to God, he separated the first order of his law. Exo 20: 3 (B) In an attempt to establish himself as a ruler on his fellow creatures, he ignored the law of equal rights, that is, all the same brothers and brothers are not above each other from the creation of the former 20: 2- 17. Matt 23: 8.
  5. Due to its rebellion, God is insulted as follows; (A) The rebel wants to know about ruling from the Creator's work, therefore, God can not be all intelligent or omnipotent. (B) Consequently, God can not be a kind and compassionate ruler, but unlike a procession "misunderstanding of character oppression.
  6. That is why God allowed him to show the nature of his claims to show the work of proposed changes in his divine law. His own work should condemn him. The entire universe should uncheck the receiver.
  7. "Satan took a third part of the angels in his rebellion, leaving the father and son, the son united with the provocation of rebellion." Testimonies for the Church due to this rebellion Saturn and his sympathetic angels were eventually punished Paradise Reeve 12: 4; 7-9; 2 Peter 2: 4; Jude 6.

Thursday 12 April 2018



  1. By the creation of intelligent creatures, relations come into existence, which exists only in the mind of God: i.e. the first connection between the creator and man and other intelligent beings Other mutual relations between man and man or other intelligent creatures.
  2. Wherever intelligent beings are found, such relationships will be present. These relations can be called the original relationship.
  3. From these relationships, to the moral duties of its creator and intelligence created for each other, so these relations form the basis of law which reveals the duties of their moral creatures. God and for each other. When the relations are the same, the laws that move forward on these or any other planet from these relationships will be similar.
  4. General law reveals the duties of moral intelligence for its creator, and these relationships are first expressed for each other in Deltaud. In the first four commandments, the duty of moral creatures is revealed to their Creator Exo 20: 3-11.Second one will be found in the previous six and their duty for exo 20: 12-17 is found.
  5. Since these relations will continue as manufacturers and intelligent beings are present, the laws are moving forward with these relations, as long as the universe remains in existence. Matthew 5: 17-19; Luke 16:17
  6. Since both fathers and sons were united in creation, they put together these basic relationships and consequently the law was increasing in them. John 10: 30; 1: 1-3; Ob.1: 1,2.

  1. God himself spoke and wrote his own law,and therefore it is pre-eminently the law of God. Deut 4:12,13; Exo 20:1-17.
  2. The first four commandments reveal man's duty to his creator as follows.
      First of all, it is forbidden to worship any thing and only worship of the Creator is required. Secondly, instead of paying homage to God, it prohibits worshiping images or the words of human hands. For the third, everyone must reverse the name of God and give respect. IV defines how time is used; For the labor of six days and for the seventh and the worship of the Creator.

     3. The last six commands reveal man's duty one to another.
  • The fifth reveals the duty of children to parents ex 20:12.
  • The sixth protects the lives of all.
  • The seventh preserves the virtue of the human family.
  • The eighth protects the property of all.
  • The ninth prohibits lying.
  • The tenth forbids covering.
The first four commands are based on love from God, and the last six who love each other. Matt 22: 36-40. A copy of this law was placed in the sanctuary of the earth's sanctuary. 10:10, 1-5. The original copy of this law is kept in the temple of Paradise. Rev 11: 19. The Ten Commandments should be made for memory 6: 6.

  1. A penalty is linked to every violation of God's natural and ethical rules. It is true about flora and fauna, when a plant or animal is removed from its natural element or environment, then it dies, although it is possible to live for a time.
  2. It is also true about human beings that for every deviation or crime of ethical, intelligent, natural law, he will have to suffer for the punishment.
  3. The blessings that promise to obedience to God's moral law are the first kindness in this life that loves and obey God's commandments. 20: 6; Second, life and property afterwards.
  4. This penalty punishes those who violate God's law: First of all, to ignore them and their children in this life. No other day, no life, and there will be no property for those who do not obey God's commands. ; Eze 18: 4,20.
  5. God's will is expressed in his law Rom 2:18;Psalms 40:8.
  6. God's will is the same in heaven as on earth;therefore,his law must be the same on every planet.Matt 6:10;Psalms 103:20.
  7. The principle of decalogue lies in the foundation of God's government in all its universe, therefore, it is a great sin for angels or other intelligent beings to dissolve the law of God and punish every offender for his sin Will suffer John 8:44; Ed 28: 12-19; 2 pet 2: 4.   


  1. The new testament contains twenty-seven books,which were written by inspired men.
  2. There is a list of 27 books in the new Will, which was written sometime after the ascendant of Christ through the Apostle angels and before the end of the first century. 2 Tim 3: 15,16; 2 Peter 3: 15,16
  3. In the first four books of the New Testament, there is an inspired history of Christ; in the Acts there is a history of Christians, the history of the apostles in the Act is completed to the church; And John's revelation is the history of prophecy, the end of time.
  4. Most of the New Testament education is based on old John 5:39. 26: 22,23 Act of Time
  5. Confirming the confirmation of the old capital punishment, Jesus said that it was written by Moses and the Prophets and that according to all his teachings it was reaffirmed as the authority.
           (a).Moses John 5:45-47;Luke 16:29-31.
           (b).The prophets.Luke 24:27.
           (c).The psalms luke 24:44.
       5. In the same manner the apostles confirmed and used the old testament in all their teachings.
            (a).Peter 1 pet 1:10,11;2 pet 1:21.
            (b).Poul 2 Tim 3:16;Acts 24:14.
            (c).James 2:8,9;4:5.

  1. The word of God is alive and powerful because His soul is inside Him. John 6: 63; 23: 29; Heb 4:12.
  2. The following will illustrate the power of God's word.
  • All things are upheld and consist the power of his word psalms 33:6-9;Gen 1:3,9,11,14,15.
  • All things are upheld and consist by the power of his divine word Heb 1:3; 2 pet 3:7.  
      3.  Example illustrating the power of Christ's word:
  • storm stilled Mark 4:36-41.
  • fig tree withered Matt 21:18-20.
  • sick healed Luke 7:2-10.
  • Evil spirits cast out. Matt 8:16.
  • Dead raised to life John 11:43,44.
      4. Examples illustrating the power of words spoken by man.
  • Rock gave forth water. Num 20:8-11.
  • sun and moon stood still. Josh 10:12,13.
  • sick man healed.Acts 9:33,34.
  • A woman raised to life. Acts 9:36-41. 
      5. Sinners are regenerated by faith through the power of God's word.Rom 1:16;James 1:18;1 Peter 1:23.

  1. God's entire creation is under the law. Every combination of the mineral state is added according to the law of certain proportion
  2. The vegetable state is also under the law. Some vegetables were made to live in water, in another country. Some plants were built to live and develop in deserted areas, in some temperature areas, while others were built to stay only in the Ubera region. The rose billy should be transferred to the dry land in the pond, neither can it survive, but soon it will dry and die. Plants should be transplanted from the frozen areas and plants in the hot region from the cold regions, they die early in the equator, because plants are not able to survive and develop until they are allowed to stay in place. Nutrition is provided for them by the producer. This plant is an evergreen law of the state.
  3. Animal kingdom is also subject to natural law. Some animals live in water in other parts of the water. In some hot weather and other colds are successful. No living creature exists in the world to live in the world. No polar bear can live in a hot area for long, no one can be in people's areas than any monkey. A hen can say that he had the right to dip and float in the form of a dip, and he could try it, but soon he will know that his fate was stopped, as long as someone The higher will not save him from the grave of the water. This makes it clear that the state of animals is also subject to irreversible laws, so that they should follow and live to survive.
  4. The goodwill of creation depends on the perfect harmony of all creatures, from which everything is created and destruction of the Creator's law. God has oriented laws which are not only for the government but also for all the functions of living creatures rather than living creatures. All have been decided laws, which can not be avoided. But whenever everything in nature is governed by natural laws, only for all people living on Earth is suited for moral law.
  5. You have nothing in the law, beautiful and beautiful in itself beautiful and well-organized and in harmony, which is capable of safeguarding it, and yet its results are painful at the same time, but humans are completely All your organization for law One person can say to follow these rules and to be punished for neglect.
  6. God's constitutional law is found in the tithe for man's government. Exo 24:12 as 2: 8-12. 

Tuesday 10 April 2018


Lord Father:

            Dear friends, I am in lesson 5 in this lesson. I tell you that there is a father.And how does God create the father of the world? Because he is the creator of this world. He has created the world before, sky, stars, sun, moon, everything in this world has been created by father. So this is the reason that God is the Father of the world. Today's friends, I clearly explain to you that God is Father. 
  1. are three people in God, like ... Father, Son and Holy Spirit Romans 1:20; Mathematics 28:19.
  2. God the Father is the first person of God and like he is great. Matthew 28:19; John 14:28; 1 Cor 15: 27,28.
  3. The works of creation prove the existence of God. Romans 1: 20; Isa 40: 25,26
  4. Nature's work testifies to God's great wisdom and power, Psalm 19: 1-7; Job 28: 23-28 Isa 40: 12,22,26; Psalm 147: 4.
  5. The attributes of God also appear in all the creative works of God and all laws of nature. Acquisition 3:19 yer 51:15; Romans 11:33.
  6. Love came to know this for the first time with the wisdom of making this and other worlds and enjoying life. 12: 12. To save their sinners, 3: 16; John John 4: 8,16 to save the second.
  7. All future prophecies found in the Bible have been accepted in the future. Isa 46: 9, 10; John 14: 29.
  8. Mercy has long been revealed in the plan of suffering and grace. Exo 34: 6,7; Eph 2: 4-8
  9. He is infinite in all his qualities. Job 11: 7-9 Romans 11:33.
  10. The creation of the universe should be a God who is infinite in all his qualities and as such it is not able to understand any creatively carefully. Since God is infinite in all properties, therefore all his actions should be infinite and perfect or criticize the finite beings. Everyone will be very happy if they can believe that kind. God can do whatever is best for every one.
Divinity of Christ:
  1. Christ is the only Son of the Father. John 1:14, 3: 16,8.
  2. Since Christ is born of a father, therefore he must be of the same substance as the father. Therefore, he has the divine qualities that are God, and therefore he is God.
  3. The father calls his son "God" and therefore he must be God. Heb 1: 8-10.
  4. He was present with the father before the birth of the virgin Mary. John 8:58; 17: 5,24.
  5. Before the existence of the universe, there is evidence of God God's divine God before creation John 17: 5, 24.
  6. The world was created by Jesus Christ and to make his power, there is a positive proof of God's existence. 1: 16,17; Heb 1: 1,2,8-10.
  7. The apostles were inspired by the resurrection of Christ and as the proof of the divinity of Christ to go to heaven.Very 2: 22-36.
  8. The fact is that Jesus is now sitting on the throne with his Father in heaven, he should be considered the conclusive proof of his God. Genesis 2: 33-36; Heb 1: 8-13.
  9. Although Christ is the son of Christ, yet he says that his father is greater than himself John 14:28.
Holy Soul:
  1. The Holy Spirit is the third name in the trinity. Matthew 28:19.
  2. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the representative of Christ, but the humanity's personality and the desire of the era arising out of its independent.
  3. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and comes to us in the name of Christ. John 15: 26; 14: 26.
  4. Since the Holy Spirit emanates from the Father, therefore, it is the divine quality similar to God.
  5. Holy Spirit or Holy Spirit is said as follows.
  6. Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit Matt 28:19, Isa 63: 10,11.;
  7. Spirit of God and Spirit of the Spirit Romans 8: 9.
  8. The Spirit of Truth John 15:26.
  9. Peaceful John 14:26.
  10. Following proves that God's soul has divine qualities.
  11. They have creative power jobs 33-4; Psalm 104: 30.
  12. He has the power to raise his head and heal the sick. 8:11; 15:19; 1 Peter 3:18.
  13. God's Spirit is the agency of Divine Revelaton John 16:13; 2 Peter 1:21.
The word of God:
  1. God manifested his will to man so that he knew how to be acceptable to him. Deut 29:29.
  2. In the Bible, we find the word of God for OT.
  3. Words written by God Himself Deut 4: 12,13; exo 20: 1-17.
  4. Revelations from God through His slaves prophets Amos 3: 7, Deut 29:29.
  5. Words on Christ's earth 1: 12; John 12:49.
Old Testament:
  1. The old testament is composed of thirty to nine books, which are basically divided into three divisions, that is, the laws of Moses, prophets and hymns or poetic books; And all this together with the scriptures Leuuk 24: 27,44,45, Romans 16: 26.
  2. According to Malachi to Joshua, we should read Moses' books to God 23: 6; 1 King 2: 3; Dan 9:11; Mal 4: 4 and 2 Chronicles 17: 9; 25: 4; 2 Kings 22: 8-3 Neh 8: 1.

Sunday 8 April 2018



God created this world all along with the word of his power all of a sudden. Genesis 1: 3,6,7, 9, and Psalm 33: 6, Heb 11: 3. The word of God immediately works, which can be seen from the following.

i) Storm was calm immediately by the word of Christ 8:24 ii) According to the order of Christ, Lazarus was immediately restored in life. iii) The fig tree dried up once upon the word of Jesus Matt 21: 1 9th) In this world and all its things were made in six-literal days Gen. 2: 1-3 Exodus 20: 8, 11. V) "No language can be very clear, no words were found in Hebrew compared to those employed here, on the first day, on the second day, on the third day, etc., every inauguration and a certain evening and morning Was presented in a literal way, in the evening was the day of the morning; the evening was there;
        Moses wrote the records, we have every reason to live, these days came to understand and they meant that their readers should understand them as literal days and for a moment they would like to have the ideas of modern geology in their mind There was anything.
      "God Himself tells about the literal days in the order given by Shyam, remembering the Sabbath day to keep it holy, because in six days Swami created heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in heaven In the seventh day on earth, no political mind can read these worlds and it can come to any other conclusion that there were six days as well as the seventh day on the literal day.
        At Exodus 20:11, "We have been clearly clarified in such a way that there are normal days on the day of creation, God had simplified the first week for the consecutive weeks by the end of time, like every other, seven classical days" . The seventh day of the Sabbath was made at the end of the first week, which was done to celebrate the creation. Jane 2: 1-3, Exodus 20:11; 31: 17.
        God has made other conclusions that the six days and the seventh day were literal. God created the world other than our earth. Heb 1: 2; 11: 3; Job 38: 4-7 Large numbers of stars, either like our sun or planet like the sun or the sun. Genesis 38: 31,32:, Amos 5: 8, Genesis 38: 31, Job. 5: 8. Ancient and Prophets. Our world was not the first of God's creation; Atar and the wise creature rejoiced when the foundation of our earth was laid on Job 38: 4,7.
         All visible stars except Mercury Jupiter and Saturn planet of the planets connected with our Solar System are the Sun, but when they are so far away from ours, they are small stars, but many of them are too big for our sun. These stars appear countless on dark night and still the number visible to the naked eye is limited. The number that appears in the great telescope of three feet diameter is probably 100,000,000.
          In the lavish gold-colored corno, we see the broader aspect of the universe, where each flashing point brings us sun and every sun with a system of the world, where Divinity reigns in all the splendor of its properties; And travels in the greatness of its power through the domination of a vest and unlimited monarchy. The reason to believe this is that the people of this world have been created by intelligent beings. Job 38: 4; Rev 12:12
          God created all things through his Son, Jesus Christ 1: 26; Heb 1:12; John 1: 1-3. Everything in space and space is rejected by the power of his words Job 26: 7; Ib 1: 1-3, while his mind is employed in the direction of the vast creation and the guidance of his countless constellations, he is essentially and ultimately present in every one of them as if the only purpose of his meditation, the life of all his tenants Spreading all his charm and bringing all the changes that make his scenes vibrant and graceful.
        The history in front of us is that God, and everything in it, was created by God and had begun. And in the beginning, everything around us, from the beginning, above us, obviously, we are behind.
      "The physical universe is a manifestation of a creative idea that is geographically broad as a variety of parts because it is grand in unity. There are whole parts and have been surprisingly incorporated and skillfully coined together that each one with each other Everything is connected. There is nothing in this divine economy, nothing is more than I need and which is the unity of our weak plans See as glorious manhood
       "As long as no one becomes aware of eternal beauty and skill, with which many parts of the constellation are fashioned and adjusted, then he can not appreciate the force of conviction that gives effect.
      We roam in search of ourselves and the origin of the world, as long as we do not meet our glorious declaration in the beginning God. We cross the principles of all specific areas. One 


God has now made inorganic substances that compose their earth, then they formed living substances from this non-living substance, the living substance was divided into two great divisions, which are called the vegetation and animal kingdom. Jen 1: 20-27. Cellular structure increases self-reproduction by itself, and sells and decays.
        But since the inorganic case is dead, so he can not organize himself in life, so the natural generation is completely impossible. Living substances originated from dead substances, therefore a divine maker proves the existence of Romans 1:19, 20.
          The science of chemistry has repeatedly demonstrated that there is no known law by which the matter is made of dead substances, so organize non-living substances in life. Professor Seubert of Toujen says: "Chemistry has created thousands of organic matter which is true but there is no breath of life in it, life force is still a mystery.
       "But now it has been known that animal and vegetable substances adhere to the similarity of chemistry in the form of mineral content and recently the progress of chemistry has given us a great reason to believe that we can prepare all the ingredients Plants and plants in which animals have built their own cells. Even chemistry stops and construction begins. Acel Only the great architect of nature can divide this soil into living forms. "
        "The present view is this: Science does not know any instance of living creatures that come from non-living substances, which is without the parent. The Bible has not rejected the first world of the Bible. Made and earth. "
        "From the beginning to the end of the inquiry, you do not know the evidence of the principles of your generation. On the contrary, there are huge evidence against it."
      "Living Pasteur and Tyndal repeatedly repetitive and careful experiments have removed the theory of spontaneous generation from science. Both the Bible and true science agree in teaching that the organized or living substances prove to be an existence, Romans 1:19, 20
         With the varieties and forms of existence of the world of vegetables, there is another freedom proof of an eternal Creator that we call God.

Animal kingdom:

After God created the vegetable kingdom, he created the animal kingdom, which maintains the vegetables. Jen 1: 12-27, 29, 30. But as no scientific evidence proves that living life is less than inorganic substance or vegetable life, the life of animals It has been developed in life itself, so in this way animals should be made and that is according to divine inspiration. Genesis 1: 12-28. Romans 1: 19, 20; Heb 11: 3
        God says that he had all kinds of vegetables "after his kind", and all the animals "after their kind", Gen 1: 12,21-25. We have created and taught experience that we cut the same kind of fruits that we saw or plant. When we see the wheat, we cut the same type of fruit that we saw or when we saw wheat we do not cut wheat. Bijians have never changed their kind, hogs do not change or grow in cows.
       True science also proves that there is no change from one species to another "There are no instances of species transition from nowhere" Baitex by Science and Chemistry Leibing, who is a German professor, says, "Hard scientific investigations do not know anything from a series of organic creatures, the science and the entry into Christianity.
         "Willser made a bold statement" in the Congress of naturalists in Europe. He has not done that with Darwin, he is hardly called a naturalist. Dr. K. Muller says: "It was Darwin's big star to develop all the organisms from one another. Unfortunately though a look at the fossil creatures of different construction period passed this beautiful idea
        The first animals like birds and animals such as birds and animals should be made in a fully developed state, which they can take care of themselves from every beginning. They are created in a baby state, they all died for their parents' wishes to take care of them. Therefore the creation of these animals should be immediate.
        If the animal kingdom was created suddenly, then it is the reason to believe that vegetable and mineral states can be made immediately. The following describes the perfection and infinity of the works of the Creator; The best thread in the web of Spider, which can hardly be seen; It is said that less than 4000 fragments should not be composed. A silkworm trouser on a single feather of 400,000; The glow of each of these minutes is a miracle of beauty and is perfection itself. There are wings of so many thin insects that each 50000 others will be one fourth part of the thickness of only one inch, and yet, in thin form they double every.

Wednesday 4 April 2018


Creation Of Inorganic Matter:

           When God brought our world into existence, he first created the substance (Gen 1: 1-10) vegetable substance (Jane 1: 11,12) and the third animal. From the observation of Gen 1: 13-28 it is taught that it should be an order in which God created this world and in all of it; Survival on vegetables for animals and all vegetables come out of the earth.
            Inorganic materials include sand cliffs, all the substances of the earth, all of which constitute the mineral kingdom. No inorganic substance is alive, but it is dead and does not regenerate itself.
            Whatever we see or handle is a structure that is a mixture of different elements. Soil and rocks and even air, and light compounds are there. Therefore, now it has been shown, therefore, every known substance present in nature is mixed and therefore can not be infinite. And there is no bigger than the sum of its parts, the number of finite substances can be eternal. Unlike the eternal prophets of infidelity by Robert Peterson, the universe can not.
             But every primary particle of inorganic matter is non-living and incorporates, so they are not able to unite themselves to make compounds. Therefore, a composer or creator would have become "because of the creation of the world, for his invisible things clearly seen being understood by those things which are also made of his eternal power and divine title" Romans 1:20.
              Now it is known as nearly eighty-one primary substance, and we have no evidence to prove that this is the beginning of the "primary substance". The creation of the ultimate atoms is accomplished with the qualities that are united References and adoption of people are the property of others who qualify for those who attract or retreat those others To produce endless variety of combinations and organisms of nature.
            "Sir John Harsl claimed that every man or man of matter has all the characters in the article, consequently no atom could be eternal. Every particle in the universe declares condemnation in a clear and vigorous voice.
         That each inorganic compound is added according to a certain "low proportion", by the following example, twenty one ounces of sodium will be combined with 35.5 ounces of chlorine; And if you use these ratios of two elements, then each one will disappear and merge into the premises which is our common table salt. But if we try to make salt, then we will put 23.5 ounces sodium and 35.5 ounces of chlorine nature aside half an ounce of sodium aside, the rest will be united. The less that governs all chemical combinations is known as "the law of fixed proportion" as religion and chemistry.
           The stones and the clay are not the only matter under our feet and mythical hills, they are occupied in our interdisciplinary constitution during the reconciliation of numbers. This theory is known as the law of fixed proportion, and the result is that every chemical element is a numerical property by which it is controlled when entering the composition "in the chemistry" as well as the "law of many ratios" Is known.
              The most important particle is the work of the mind, which is the most important condition of everyone's matter, which is by any form of matter or existence, if the particles are naturally divided, and therefore the particles formed in them and the first And so we say that the work of the mind is the work of the mind. But if they lie in every foundation, then it is completely simple and yet they are doing brain work by creating. There is no other option left.
            Since the science of chemistry, our inorganic non-living substances of the Earth are composed of invisible invisible substances, which are small particles of matter, which are united according to a certain law, which is as follows. That the various deposited substances of our earth can thus be an intelligent person, who are now uniting these substances composed of our world, and Yonki These particles are so infinitely small, as well as the infinite number, it follows that there must be infinite their manufacturer.
          Science of Chemistry therefore confirms the following inspired declaration about creation; Through faith we understand that the world was created by God's Word, which has not been seen, is not made up of things that appear. Heb 11: 3.

Tuesday 3 April 2018


       Dear friends today we are going to know about God's creation it means our god Jesus firstly how to create the world and how to create the Earth and how to create the sky and why God create the world.Dear friends we are going to know about this step by step and how God help us let us going to our lesson.
       So dear friends first of all we are knowing about me myself Vadthya Laxman.I am a motivational speaker I am teaching about Jesus and truth of Bible some peoples are not believing about Jesus He is our God.He is the creature of this world.
       Our world was created in the beginning by God  (GEN 1:1 ,2:4).In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.(GEN 2:4) These are the generation of the heavens and of the earth when they were created in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.
       The father and his son were united in the creation of all things (GEN 1:26)(HEB 1:12)(JOHN 1:1-3).God created by the world of his mouth (GEN 1:3,9,13,14)(PSALMS 33:6-9). 
       "It is clear that the prophets and many of the psalms accept without reservation the doctrine of creation from nothing by the will of a supermundane personal God. (PSALMS 102:26,121:2,)(JER 10:12)(ISA 42:5 , 45:7-9).To such a degree has his found acceptance as the doctrine of the synagogue that God has come to be designated as "He who spoke and the world sprang into existence.
       The bible teaches us that the world was made out of that which did not appear or did not previously exist.Heb 11:3,;Gen 1:1:.The hebrews word for create in Gen 1:1 is Bara."The infinitive is baroh to create abundantly to produce by the mere will hence it is not applicable to the volition or activity of man at all."It always indicates an action of an astounding nature and a production of something supernatural both physically and spiritually hence baroh is the absolute creating producing something out of nothing".Biblical the saurus or a literal translation and critical analysis of every world testament in the original languages of the old testament.
        The other Hebrews explain creation as follows "The first verse of Genesis teaches that the original creation of the world in its rude and chaotic state was from nothing"Gesenius in this thesaurus."God called the universe into exixtence out of nothing not of matter coeval with himself".Kalisch on Genesis both of these questions are found in Greek's Hours with the Bible.
       "Creation power is supremely it is ideally great no greater is possible.It is calling into being thatwhich before was not power does its almost.It raises to the loftiest height:higher power cannot go ,no greater work can be done than accomplish.None harder can be conceived.It is independent.It needs no external aid.It is absolute.
       "Science is incompetent to reason upon the creation of matter itself out of nothing we have reached the utmost limit of our thinking faulties when we have admitted that because matter cannot be external and self existing it must  have been created."
        The work of creation can never be explained by science.What science can explain the mystery of life? The theory that God did not create matter when he brought the world into existence is without foundation.In the formation of our world God was not indebted to matter on the contrary all things material and spiritual stood up before the lord Jehovah a hid voice and were created for his won purpose.The heaven and all the host of them the earth and all things therein are not only the work of his hand they came into existence by the breath of his mouth.
       "Why not when asked "How do you explain that ? answer candidly:"I do not explain it at all;I study the facts and wait? The more learned the man;the better he knows how little it is really possible to explain.
          While no human being can find out God to perfection ,yet that should not prevent us from studying his works to learn more about him.