Thursday 12 April 2018



  1. By the creation of intelligent creatures, relations come into existence, which exists only in the mind of God: i.e. the first connection between the creator and man and other intelligent beings Other mutual relations between man and man or other intelligent creatures.
  2. Wherever intelligent beings are found, such relationships will be present. These relations can be called the original relationship.
  3. From these relationships, to the moral duties of its creator and intelligence created for each other, so these relations form the basis of law which reveals the duties of their moral creatures. God and for each other. When the relations are the same, the laws that move forward on these or any other planet from these relationships will be similar.
  4. General law reveals the duties of moral intelligence for its creator, and these relationships are first expressed for each other in Deltaud. In the first four commandments, the duty of moral creatures is revealed to their Creator Exo 20: 3-11.Second one will be found in the previous six and their duty for exo 20: 12-17 is found.
  5. Since these relations will continue as manufacturers and intelligent beings are present, the laws are moving forward with these relations, as long as the universe remains in existence. Matthew 5: 17-19; Luke 16:17
  6. Since both fathers and sons were united in creation, they put together these basic relationships and consequently the law was increasing in them. John 10: 30; 1: 1-3; Ob.1: 1,2.

  1. God himself spoke and wrote his own law,and therefore it is pre-eminently the law of God. Deut 4:12,13; Exo 20:1-17.
  2. The first four commandments reveal man's duty to his creator as follows.
      First of all, it is forbidden to worship any thing and only worship of the Creator is required. Secondly, instead of paying homage to God, it prohibits worshiping images or the words of human hands. For the third, everyone must reverse the name of God and give respect. IV defines how time is used; For the labor of six days and for the seventh and the worship of the Creator.

     3. The last six commands reveal man's duty one to another.
  • The fifth reveals the duty of children to parents ex 20:12.
  • The sixth protects the lives of all.
  • The seventh preserves the virtue of the human family.
  • The eighth protects the property of all.
  • The ninth prohibits lying.
  • The tenth forbids covering.
The first four commands are based on love from God, and the last six who love each other. Matt 22: 36-40. A copy of this law was placed in the sanctuary of the earth's sanctuary. 10:10, 1-5. The original copy of this law is kept in the temple of Paradise. Rev 11: 19. The Ten Commandments should be made for memory 6: 6.

  1. A penalty is linked to every violation of God's natural and ethical rules. It is true about flora and fauna, when a plant or animal is removed from its natural element or environment, then it dies, although it is possible to live for a time.
  2. It is also true about human beings that for every deviation or crime of ethical, intelligent, natural law, he will have to suffer for the punishment.
  3. The blessings that promise to obedience to God's moral law are the first kindness in this life that loves and obey God's commandments. 20: 6; Second, life and property afterwards.
  4. This penalty punishes those who violate God's law: First of all, to ignore them and their children in this life. No other day, no life, and there will be no property for those who do not obey God's commands. ; Eze 18: 4,20.
  5. God's will is expressed in his law Rom 2:18;Psalms 40:8.
  6. God's will is the same in heaven as on earth;therefore,his law must be the same on every planet.Matt 6:10;Psalms 103:20.
  7. The principle of decalogue lies in the foundation of God's government in all its universe, therefore, it is a great sin for angels or other intelligent beings to dissolve the law of God and punish every offender for his sin Will suffer John 8:44; Ed 28: 12-19; 2 pet 2: 4.   

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