Tuesday 10 April 2018


Lord Father:

            Dear friends, I am in lesson 5 in this lesson. I tell you that there is a father.And how does God create the father of the world? Because he is the creator of this world. He has created the world before, sky, stars, sun, moon, everything in this world has been created by father. So this is the reason that God is the Father of the world. Today's friends, I clearly explain to you that God is Father. 
  1. are three people in God, like ... Father, Son and Holy Spirit Romans 1:20; Mathematics 28:19.
  2. God the Father is the first person of God and like he is great. Matthew 28:19; John 14:28; 1 Cor 15: 27,28.
  3. The works of creation prove the existence of God. Romans 1: 20; Isa 40: 25,26
  4. Nature's work testifies to God's great wisdom and power, Psalm 19: 1-7; Job 28: 23-28 Isa 40: 12,22,26; Psalm 147: 4.
  5. The attributes of God also appear in all the creative works of God and all laws of nature. Acquisition 3:19 yer 51:15; Romans 11:33.
  6. Love came to know this for the first time with the wisdom of making this and other worlds and enjoying life. 12: 12. To save their sinners, 3: 16; John John 4: 8,16 to save the second.
  7. All future prophecies found in the Bible have been accepted in the future. Isa 46: 9, 10; John 14: 29.
  8. Mercy has long been revealed in the plan of suffering and grace. Exo 34: 6,7; Eph 2: 4-8
  9. He is infinite in all his qualities. Job 11: 7-9 Romans 11:33.
  10. The creation of the universe should be a God who is infinite in all his qualities and as such it is not able to understand any creatively carefully. Since God is infinite in all properties, therefore all his actions should be infinite and perfect or criticize the finite beings. Everyone will be very happy if they can believe that kind. God can do whatever is best for every one.
Divinity of Christ:
  1. Christ is the only Son of the Father. John 1:14, 3: 16,8.
  2. Since Christ is born of a father, therefore he must be of the same substance as the father. Therefore, he has the divine qualities that are God, and therefore he is God.
  3. The father calls his son "God" and therefore he must be God. Heb 1: 8-10.
  4. He was present with the father before the birth of the virgin Mary. John 8:58; 17: 5,24.
  5. Before the existence of the universe, there is evidence of God God's divine God before creation John 17: 5, 24.
  6. The world was created by Jesus Christ and to make his power, there is a positive proof of God's existence. 1: 16,17; Heb 1: 1,2,8-10.
  7. The apostles were inspired by the resurrection of Christ and as the proof of the divinity of Christ to go to heaven.Very 2: 22-36.
  8. The fact is that Jesus is now sitting on the throne with his Father in heaven, he should be considered the conclusive proof of his God. Genesis 2: 33-36; Heb 1: 8-13.
  9. Although Christ is the son of Christ, yet he says that his father is greater than himself John 14:28.
Holy Soul:
  1. The Holy Spirit is the third name in the trinity. Matthew 28:19.
  2. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the representative of Christ, but the humanity's personality and the desire of the era arising out of its independent.
  3. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and comes to us in the name of Christ. John 15: 26; 14: 26.
  4. Since the Holy Spirit emanates from the Father, therefore, it is the divine quality similar to God.
  5. Holy Spirit or Holy Spirit is said as follows.
  6. Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit Matt 28:19, Isa 63: 10,11.;
  7. Spirit of God and Spirit of the Spirit Romans 8: 9.
  8. The Spirit of Truth John 15:26.
  9. Peaceful John 14:26.
  10. Following proves that God's soul has divine qualities.
  11. They have creative power jobs 33-4; Psalm 104: 30.
  12. He has the power to raise his head and heal the sick. 8:11; 15:19; 1 Peter 3:18.
  13. God's Spirit is the agency of Divine Revelaton John 16:13; 2 Peter 1:21.
The word of God:
  1. God manifested his will to man so that he knew how to be acceptable to him. Deut 29:29.
  2. In the Bible, we find the word of God for OT.
  3. Words written by God Himself Deut 4: 12,13; exo 20: 1-17.
  4. Revelations from God through His slaves prophets Amos 3: 7, Deut 29:29.
  5. Words on Christ's earth 1: 12; John 12:49.
Old Testament:
  1. The old testament is composed of thirty to nine books, which are basically divided into three divisions, that is, the laws of Moses, prophets and hymns or poetic books; And all this together with the scriptures Leuuk 24: 27,44,45, Romans 16: 26.
  2. According to Malachi to Joshua, we should read Moses' books to God 23: 6; 1 King 2: 3; Dan 9:11; Mal 4: 4 and 2 Chronicles 17: 9; 25: 4; 2 Kings 22: 8-3 Neh 8: 1.

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