Tuesday 3 April 2018



       Dear friends today we are going to know about God's creation it means our god Jesus firstly how to create the world and how to create the Earth and how to create the sky and why God create the world.Dear friends we are going to know about this step by step and how God help us let us going to our lesson.
       So dear friends first of all we are knowing about me myself Vadthya Laxman.I am a motivational speaker I am teaching about Jesus and truth of Bible some peoples are not believing about Jesus He is our God.He is the creature of this world.
       Our world was created in the beginning by God  (GEN 1:1 ,2:4).In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.(GEN 2:4) These are the generation of the heavens and of the earth when they were created in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.
       The father and his son were united in the creation of all things (GEN 1:26)(HEB 1:12)(JOHN 1:1-3).God created by the world of his mouth (GEN 1:3,9,13,14)(PSALMS 33:6-9). 
       "It is clear that the prophets and many of the psalms accept without reservation the doctrine of creation from nothing by the will of a supermundane personal God. (PSALMS 102:26,121:2,)(JER 10:12)(ISA 42:5 , 45:7-9).To such a degree has his found acceptance as the doctrine of the synagogue that God has come to be designated as "He who spoke and the world sprang into existence.
       The bible teaches us that the world was made out of that which did not appear or did not previously exist.Heb 11:3,;Gen 1:1:.The hebrews word for create in Gen 1:1 is Bara."The infinitive is baroh to create abundantly to produce by the mere will hence it is not applicable to the volition or activity of man at all."It always indicates an action of an astounding nature and a production of something supernatural both physically and spiritually hence baroh is the absolute creating producing something out of nothing".Biblical the saurus or a literal translation and critical analysis of every world testament in the original languages of the old testament.
        The other Hebrews explain creation as follows "The first verse of Genesis teaches that the original creation of the world in its rude and chaotic state was from nothing"Gesenius in this thesaurus."God called the universe into exixtence out of nothing not of matter coeval with himself".Kalisch on Genesis both of these questions are found in Greek's Hours with the Bible.
       "Creation power is supremely it is ideally great no greater is possible.It is calling into being thatwhich before was not power does its almost.It raises to the loftiest height:higher power cannot go ,no greater work can be done than accomplish.None harder can be conceived.It is independent.It needs no external aid.It is absolute.
       "Science is incompetent to reason upon the creation of matter itself out of nothing we have reached the utmost limit of our thinking faulties when we have admitted that because matter cannot be external and self existing it must  have been created."
        The work of creation can never be explained by science.What science can explain the mystery of life? The theory that God did not create matter when he brought the world into existence is without foundation.In the formation of our world God was not indebted to matter on the contrary all things material and spiritual stood up before the lord Jehovah a hid voice and were created for his won purpose.The heaven and all the host of them the earth and all things therein are not only the work of his hand they came into existence by the breath of his mouth.
       "Why not when asked "How do you explain that ? answer candidly:"I do not explain it at all;I study the facts and wait? The more learned the man;the better he knows how little it is really possible to explain.
          While no human being can find out God to perfection ,yet that should not prevent us from studying his works to learn more about him.
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