Tuesday 24 April 2018



  1. Since the father and son were united in creating all things they must also have been united in the government of moral intelligence.Heb 1:12;John 10:30.
  2. Christ as Creator had full authority to give the law,which he also did for he spoke and wrote it Exodus 20:1-17; Neh 9:12,13; 1 Cor 10:1-4.
  3. As a creator he was above law of subject to law as created intelligence but in order to convience all that the ruler of the universe would not enforce and unjust or oppressive law upon his subjects,the Father and the son united on the following plan to prove that Satan's charges against God's law and government were unfounded and unjust.  
  4. The son took on him the seed of Abraham "was made flesh" in the likeness of sinful flesh was born of a virgin and took upon him the form of a servant.Heb 2:16; John 1:14; Rom 8:3; Matt 1:18-21; phil 2:7.
  5. When Jesus became flesh"his glory was shrouded.His divinity was yield with humanity the invisible glory invisible form".While in the flesh he could of himself do nothing:but strengthened by his father,through the holy spirit,he could and did do all that is ever required of a human being.John 5:19,30; 3:34; 14:10.
  6. When Christ in the likeness of sinful flesh resisted every temptation to sin,and kept the law to absolute perfection he thereby proved that Satan's charges against God's law and government was unfounded.Heb 4:15; Matt 4:1-10; John 15:10; 1 Pet 2:22.
  7. After that Jesus took the place of the sinner and though he himself was without sin,yet he was "made" to be sin for us the sins of the world were laid upon him and then hr suffered the penalty of the Isa 53:6; John 1:29 margin; 1 Pet 2:24; 2 Cor 5:21; Gal 3:13; 1 Pet 3:18; Rom 5:6,8. Thus was Satan's charge,that the penalty of God's law was unjust and disproved,since Christ willingly suffered it in the sinner's stead.
  8. Finally,Christ rose from the dead or sinless being a conqueror of Satan and death 1 Cor 15:14-21,55; Heb 2:14.
  9. Thus by the father's and son's planning together for Christ to become a subject obey the law as a subject and finally suffer the penalty of the law,were the just Principles of God,his law and government fully Justified Isa 42:21; Col 1:20; Rom 3:31.

  1.  While Christ according to previous lesson vindicated and established the law and government of heaven by becoming a subject through obeying the law and suffering its penalty yet it was necessary to devise a plan whereby rebellious subjects might be pardoned and reconciled to God's.
  2. But such a plan could not embrace the abolition of the law and its penalty: for that would be an admission that the sinner or rebel was in the right; therefore the sinner could not be pardoned on any other condition then that the majesty of the law should be vindicated,and that its penalty remain in force.
  3. A plan to save the sinner through grace and vindicate the law and its penalty,must necessarily embrace the following.(a).A willing not unwilling substitute who is not subject to the law,and who is worth more than all sinners,would have to take the place of the transgressor,and obey the law for him,and then ofter the sinner his righteousness obedience for his sins-disobedience John 3:16; Gal 1:4;.
  4. Then the substitute who had taken the transgressor sins upon himself would have to die for hi, in his stead in order that the sinner might live.2 Cor 5:21; Rom 5:6,8; 1 Pet 3:18.
  5. Finally the sinner could be pardoned only on the condition that he would repent of his sins and case transgressing God's law.He must let God write the law in his heart and promise by the help of god ever afterward to obey it.Jer 31:33,34; 2 Cor 3:3; psalms 40:8.
  6. Now an angel could not become such a substitute for this fallen world because angels are created beings and as such as subject to law,which they must obey for themselves.Furthermore,an angel is of less worth than a fallen world and couls not therefore become man' redeemer.   

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